The site is set up to feature Laura’s solo exhibitions - Selected works exhibited in Group Exhibitions - Series or Works or projects - Selected works for sale at fooLPRoof contemporary art or in other galleries
Under each box - Laura presents solo exhibition views that appear when the box is clicked leading you further into the named exhibition illustrating individual works and exhibition views. Often works are available, have been editioned or are dimensionally variable installations - feel free to inquire on purchasing art, availability or pricing. All sculpture can be scaled up as castings or through fabrication. Working with an engineering partner and 3d scanning almost anything is possible at any scale.
The various additional individual categories are designed for viewers to pursue and click through multiple content images. Many of Laura’s individual works in group and juried shows are included in these separate boxes - as well of some of Laura’s work and projects in the public sector.
The site remains a piece of work and may from time to time appear to be under construction as new work or projects are presented.
Laura’s legacy project one hundred Iron Maidens is close to coming to full fruition - now at 96 originals - thoughts about editioning several individual pieces is under way. The Artnauts section features the small works created to exhibit internationally under the guidance of Dr. George Rivera’s vision of “Art naut as usual” and this vision of the collective taking the form of social sculpture as it presents its meaningful exhibitions.
Currently Laura’s social engagement sculptural quilt The Art In The Everyday Community Quilt was recently exhibited & installed in its entirety for viewing in March 2023 at the Maryland Institute of Art in Baltimore - after just finishing a stint at fooLPRoof contemporary art gallery in RiNo Art District in Denver. Now 1150 pieces & 45 feet long - Next stop to come. Contact her if you would like to participate. The RiNo art district has a link to participate as well - https://rinoartdistrict.org/do/art-in-the-everyday-community-quilt-project
Laura’s work can be seen at fooLPRoof contemporary art in RiNo Denver - https://www.foolproofcontemporaryart.com
Link to her fine art CV: Laura Phelps Rogers CV Fine Art April 2024 .docx
One of Laura’s first Solo Exhibitions more images to come.
Home Economics was a solo exhibition that expanded the concepts in a Womans Work is Never Done
One of Laura’s more ambitious solo exhibitions, in the James Richey Gallery. Many of the pieces in this exhibition have been exhibited individually. The image depicts a remote location that took almost two years to to find it is printed billboard scale at 11 feet by 35 feet. The window that separates the surreal rural side with the surreal urban side is 16 feet.
Enchanted was a solo exhibition that crossed the boundaries of indoors and outdoors - where Laura incorporated the ephemeral, the edible, she created several individual sculpture works for art on loan programs, incorporated photographic pieces lit from behind, with a photo gallery area of traditionally framed photographic works exploring the notion of enchantment. To reach that area the viewer passes a large format photographic curtain and a larger than life cocoon.
Laser cut butterflies and live branches filled the rafters and cast shadows throughout the exhibition.
The photographic images used in this solo exhibition are from Laura’s residency/study program in Ireland at the Burren College of Art and Design. the large format image is printed on fabric 12 feet by ten feet with the fabric folds creating a finished presentation of 6 by 10 feet. Others were framed in large fanciful frames on a acrylic substrate accommodating back lighting. Images in the rear area of the gallery were printed on fine art paper and traditionally framed.
Ephemeral works ranged from live floral display for a table top maintained throughout the exhibition with photographic moss covered chairs surrounding the table. Chocolate covered cast iron rabbits of a sculptural shelf exuding the aroma of chocolate.
One of Laura’s first site specific projects that included performance
In this exhibition Laura presented a grant project 1100 Pieces a viewer participation work that invites the community to respond to color and form and create the finished piece a sculptural “billboard.” Laura reinstalled components of “Entertain” and expanded upon it with billboard large format text works relating to communication. This was Laura’s first research grant project to create 1100 Pieces and one of her first social engagement pieces
Entertain reinstalled with 1100 Pieces at Edge in 2013. Performance with sign painters
This solo exhibition explored the feminine in unexpected roles - Laura debuted the process of creating 100 “Iron Maidens” in this exhibition, where she exhibited 42 of them she is currently at 91 so almost there…
This was one of Laura’s first solo exhibitions at Pirate Contemporary Art the exhibition was surrealist in nature. She expanded her desire to include performance work within her exhibitions and continued her investigations into ephemeral art practices in this exhibition. She cast herself in hard sugar and created an ant farm connected to the pedestal. Bronze fish, artificial butterflies, chandeliers, a teddy bear sculpture frosted in gesso, a painting that appears to be painted with mustard in an 18th century style frame and additional natural components made up this slightly surreal exhibition.
This solo exhibition Laura presented three dimensional and photographic interpretations of the west, the landscape and notions of utopian existence
An extension of Home Economics - Wash Rinse Repeat explored women’s changing roles and historical perceptions. - Original Solo Exhibition was featured at Ice Cube Gallery. The original exhibition included a section with ephemeral sculptures of grass in domestic objects.
This exhibition was subsequently reformatted for a solo exhibition at the University of Northern Colorado in conjunction with a speaking engagement. Both exhibitions included a performance component by Laura.
Individual works have been exhibited at the Arvada Center in Art of the State, a GDVN conference at City Hall and beyond.
Laura first solo exhibition dedicated entirely to contemporary interpretations of the west. she debuted her silver gelatin and digital series A New Look At The American West in this exhibition - She used her husband as the primary model in this series - with a few images in the series she staged herself referencing the Cindy Sherman and Francesca Woodmen style of self portraits.
Laura’s first retrospective presented at the University of Denver Chamber Center Exhibition Hall
Family Matters was a unique solo exhibition that investigated the cathartic properties of art. Laura Investigated common family maladies through sculptural vignettes. The exhibition explores the family from the darker side with comic elements while exploring experiential psychological connections
The images shared here highlight Laura’s current public social engagement project is The Art in The Everyday Community Quilt Project. The images highlight images of the locations and several of the larger events.
History - The project began in Calgary Alberta and was proposed as its first stint as a community social engagement project to the Volcano Art Center in Hawaii. The Hawaii Craftsman Art organization supported the effort with the help of Evan Jenkins a well know glass artist in Hawaii. while there Wailoa Art Center hosted a workshop and remote participation. One of the teacher participating from the Maui assisted in finding a location at University of Hawaii Maui Library while Laura continued hosting workshops in various locations. Right before covid Laura presented the project in at the College Art Association Conference in Chicago in conjunction with the WCA. This presentation included a workshop. During covid it proposed to appear in part in conjunction with a prestigious exhibition at Metropolitan State University Visual Art Center in The Walls Between Us. The project was proposed at a Denver CO area recreation center to get the center invigorated after covid with an installation of the project and 3 workshops. Growing to 37 feet long. Next stop it was installed in entirety at fooLPRoof contemporary art gallery in the burgeoning RiNo Art District. It received a little write up in DARIA and was reinstalled to photograph it in entirety along a 45 foot wall. Next stop was the Maryland Institute for Art where with participation grew to 60 feet long
This project is dimensionally variable and able to be fitted to any commercial, municipal or commercial space for display or community participation. The project is currently 4 - 10 x 12 foot panels (and growing) that may be broken down into smaller panels or display in large format as well as shapes. Laura invites social engagement, inviting individuals, corporations, universities, classrooms, communities, community organizations, corporate event groups and individuals to participate. She is scheduling stops for its travel through 2026. So far through 2022 she has taken the project for installation, presentation, workshops, workshop at a national art conference Chicago, during covid the project grew and was exhibited in a reduced format locally in conjunction with a group exhibition at the CVA in Denver and then to get a community center re-opened from covid at the Englewood Recreation Center for seniors. It is scheduled to be installed in an exhibition this summer in 2022 at fooLPRoof contemporary art gallery from August 5th to November 26th 2022 in its full form 37 feet
The project is currently installed, in its entirety, in Denver Colorado in the RiNo Art District at fooLPRoof contemporary art gallery at 3240 Larimer St. Workshops are scheduled in September and as always - Remote participation is welcome. The artist prepares packets to distribute participation pieces by pickup or mail.
The project has its own Facebook page to review the 600 individual participation submissions so far.
#foolproofcontemporaryat #foolproofartgallery #theartintheeverydaycommunityquiltproject #theartintheeverydaycommunityquilt #artintheeverydaycommunityquilt #lauraphelpsrogers #rino #rinoartdistrict #thingstodoindenver #firstfriday
This image shows The Art In The Everyday Community Quilt installed in library atrium at the University of Hawaii Maui immediately after the deinstall from Volcano Art Center on the Big Island of Hawaii.
#lauraphelpsrogers #quilt #quiltart #sculpturalquilt #centerforbioethicsandhumanities #socialart #socialengagementart #artworkshops #communityartprojects #publicart #publicsocialengagementart #communityartists #communityart #universityofhawaiimaui #universityofhawaiimauilibrary #volcanoartcenter #vac #volcanohawaii #hawaiicraftsman #wailoaartcenter #malleyrecreationcenter #cva #metropolitainstateuniversitycenterforvisualart #collegeartassociation #chicago #installationart #installationartist #photography #photographer #fineartimages #fineart #contemporaryart #rino #rinoartdistrict #rinoartist #mural #murals #muralartist #wca #womenscaucusforart #foolproofcontemporaryart #foolproofartgallery #westernart #contemporarywesternartists
#lauraphelpsrogers #quilt #quiltart #sculpturalquilt #centerforbioethicsandhumanities #socialart #socialengagementart #artworkshops #communityartprojects #publicart #publicsocialengagementart #communityartists #communityart #universityofhawaiimaui #universityofhawaiimauilibrary #volcanoartcenter #vac #volcanohawaii #hawaiicraftsman #wailoaartcenter #malleyrecreationcenter #cva #metropolitainstateuniversitycenterforvisualart #collegeartassociation #chicago #installationart #installationartist #photography #photographer #fineartimages #fineart #contemporaryart #rino #rinoartdistrict #rinoartist #mural #murals #muralartist #wca #womenscaucusforart #foolproofcontemporaryart #foolproofartgallery #westernart #contemporarywesternartists
Looking down on the project midway through its stint at the University of Hawaii Maui Library atrium
#lauraphelpsrogers #quilt #quiltart #sculpturalquilt #centerforbioethicsandhumanities #socialart #socialengagementart #artworkshops #communityartprojects #publicart #publicsocialengagementart #communityartists #communityart #universityofhawaiimaui #universityofhawaiimauilibrary #volcanoartcenter #vac #volcanohawaii #hawaiicraftsman #wailoaartcenter #malleyrecreationcenter #cva #metropolitainstateuniversitycenterforvisualart #collegeartassociation #chicago #installationart #installationartist #photography #photographer #fineartimages #fineart #contemporaryart #rino #rinoartdistrict #rinoartist #mural #murals #muralartist #wca #womenscaucusforart #foolproofcontemporaryart #foolproofartgallery #westernart #contemporarywesternartists
Workshop postcard image for the project
#lauraphelpsrogers #quilt #quiltart #sculpturalquilt #centerforbioethicsandhumanities #socialart #socialengagementart #artworkshops #communityartprojects #publicart #publicsocialengagementart #communityartists #communityart #universityofhawaiimaui #universityofhawaiimauilibrary #volcanoartcenter #vac #volcanohawaii #hawaiicraftsman #wailoaartcenter #malleyrecreationcenter #cva #metropolitainstateuniversitycenterforvisualart #collegeartassociation #chicago #installationart #installationartist #photography #photographer #fineartimages #fineart #contemporaryart #rino #rinoartdistrict #rinoartist #mural #murals #muralartist #wca #womenscaucusforart #foolproofcontemporaryart #foolproofartgallery #westernart #contemporarywesternartists
Image illustrating the process of mounting pieces on the “strands” of The Art In The Everyday Community Quilt Project. Gayla Lemke and Carl Rogers assisting
#lauraphelpsrogers #quilt #quiltart #sculpturalquilt #centerforbioethicsandhumanities #socialart #socialengagementart #artworkshops #communityartprojects #publicart #publicsocialengagementart #communityartists #communityart #universityofhawaiimaui #universityofhawaiimauilibrary #volcanoartcenter #vac #volcanohawaii #hawaiicraftsman #wailoaartcenter #malleyrecreationcenter #cva #metropolitainstateuniversitycenterforvisualart #collegeartassociation #chicago #installationart #installationartist #photography #photographer #fineartimages #fineart #contemporaryart #rino #rinoartdistrict #rinoartist #mural #murals #muralartist #wca #womenscaucusforart #foolproofcontemporaryart #foolproofartgallery #westernart #contemporarywesternartists
Workshop project postcard back - for workshop in Chicago Illinois
#lauraphelpsrogers #quilt #quiltart #sculpturalquilt #centerforbioethicsandhumanities #socialart #socialengagementart #artworkshops #communityartprojects #publicart #publicsocialengagementart #communityartists #communityart #universityofhawaiimaui #universityofhawaiimauilibrary #volcanoartcenter #vac #volcanohawaii #hawaiicraftsman #wailoaartcenter #malleyrecreationcenter #cva #metropolitainstateuniversitycenterforvisualart #collegeartassociation #chicago #installationart #installationartist #photography #photographer #fineartimages #fineart #contemporaryart #rino #rinoartdistrict #rinoartist #mural #murals #muralartist #wca #womenscaucusforart #foolproofcontemporaryart #foolproofartgallery #westernart #contemporarywesternartists
This image shows the project installed at the Malley Recreation Center on the first day Kara is shown in the image for scale - while here over 150 pieces were added to the project. Shown here it was installed 2-sided.
#lauraphelpsrogers #quilt #quiltart #sculpturalquilt #centerforbioethicsandhumanities #socialart #socialengagementart #artworkshops #communityartprojects #publicart #publicsocialengagementart #communityartists #communityart #universityofhawaiimaui #universityofhawaiimauilibrary #volcanoartcenter #vac #volcanohawaii #hawaiicraftsman #wailoaartcenter #malleyrecreationcenter #cva #metropolitainstateuniversitycenterforvisualart #collegeartassociation #chicago #installationart #installationartist #photography #photographer #fineartimages #fineart #contemporaryart #rino #rinoartdistrict #rinoartist #mural #murals #muralartist #wca #womenscaucusforart #foolproofcontemporaryart #foolproofartgallery #westernart #contemporarywesternartists
The project was invited to be exhibited at a prestigious exhibition at the Center for Visual Art in Denver as part of The Walls Between Us - with the Artnauts as a wall that brings us together. The world was just beginning to come out of covid.
#lauraphelpsrogers #quilt #quiltart #sculpturalquilt #centerforbioethicsandhumanities #socialart #socialengagementart #artworkshops #communityartprojects #publicart #publicsocialengagementart #communityartists #communityart #universityofhawaiimaui #universityofhawaiimauilibrary #volcanoartcenter #vac #volcanohawaii #hawaiicraftsman #wailoaartcenter #malleyrecreationcenter #cva #metropolitainstateuniversitycenterforvisualart #collegeartassociation #chicago #installationart #installationartist #photography #photographer #fineartimages #fineart #contemporaryart #rino #rinoartdistrict #rinoartist #mural #murals #muralartist #wca #womenscaucusforart #foolproofcontemporaryart #foolproofartgallery #westernart #contemporarywesternartists
The Jenkins at the final workshop and event at the Volcano Art Center in Volcano Hawaii before moving to the island of Maui
#lauraphelpsrogers #quilt #quiltart #sculpturalquilt #centerforbioethicsandhumanities #socialart #socialengagementart #artworkshops #communityartprojects #publicart #publicsocialengagementart #communityartists #communityart #universityofhawaiimaui #universityofhawaiimauilibrary #volcanoartcenter #vac #volcanohawaii #hawaiicraftsman #wailoaartcenter #malleyrecreationcenter #cva #metropolitainstateuniversitycenterforvisualart #collegeartassociation #chicago #installationart #installationartist #photography #photographer #fineartimages #fineart #contemporaryart #rino #rinoartdistrict #rinoartist #mural #murals #muralartist #wca #womenscaucusforart #foolproofcontemporaryart #foolproofartgallery #westernart #contemporarywesternartists
At fooLPRoof contemporary art in RiNo Denver
At the Maryland Institute for Art in Baltimore MD.
Image of what a remote participation packet looks like to pickup and drop off for the project
#lauraphelpsrogers #quilt #quiltart #sculpturalquilt #centerforbioethicsandhumanities #socialart #socialengagementart #artworkshops #communityartprojects #publicart #publicsocialengagementart #communityartists #communityart #universityofhawaiimaui #universityofhawaiimauilibrary #volcanoartcenter #vac #volcanohawaii #hawaiicraftsman #wailoaartcenter #malleyrecreationcenter #cva #metropolitainstateuniversitycenterforvisualart #collegeartassociation #chicago #installationart #installationartist #photography #photographer #fineartimages #fineart #contemporaryart #rino #rinoartdistrict #rinoartist #mural #murals #muralartist #wca #womenscaucusforart #foolproofcontemporaryart #foolproofartgallery #westernart #contemporarywesternartists
Invited to create a site specific installation for event coordinators Laura filled a basketball court size room for the event goers to feast their eyes on
Invited to participate in Artopia in…Laura chose to do the unthinkable install at 65 ft installation in 2 days to be up 2 days
#artopia #lauraphelpsrogers #installationart #installationartist #propdesign #eventdesign #specialeventdecor #eventdecor #eventdesign
#artopia #lauraphelpsrogers #installationart #installationartist #propdesign #eventdesign #specialeventdecor #eventdecor #eventdesign
Stiffening the dress for flight in the studio
Hand painting clouds
Residency/ Study at the Burren College of Art and design yielded two studio solo exhibitions, performance work in the set shown an installation of steel, potatoes, wire, dirt and grass with found domestic objects. The Wallpaper Around the World series was created on this trip. Images from the series are shown here and led to an installation in the US Wash Rinse Repeat. Large sculpture, permanent and ephemeral sculptural works came out of the trip together with a plethora of images.
Laura created this 250 ft crop art piece collaborating with a Colorado Farmer to be included in a collaborative piece for the Vancouver Biennial with Shweta Battad
This work has never been apart of a solo exhibition and was one of the first works to set the stage for Laura referencing the feminine experience through a contemporary lens of historic women’s roles - the work demonstrates time through decay dangling the loss of beauty and aging process before the viewers. Medium is found object, cast iron, Copper leaf, Foam and Resin. This work is available through the gallery for $4900.00
#lauraphelpsrogers #sculpture #modular #art #ncwca #castiron #surrealist #surrealism #conceptual #conceptualart #conceptualartist #largeformatphotography #murals #muralartist #centerforbioethicsandhumanities #socialart #socialengagementart #artworkshops #communityartprojects #publicart #publicsocialengagementart #communityartists #communityart #installationart #installationartist #photography #photographer #fineartimages #fineart #contemporaryart #rino #rinoartdistrict #rinoartist #mural #murals #muralartist #wca #womenscaucusforart #foolproofcontemporaryart #foolproofartgallery #westernart #contemporarywesternartists
This sculpture is fabricated out of wood - the pieces fit together or come apart for 2 stools and a table. Designed as a maquette for a series of works in a public outdoor space.
The work is available for $1750.00 in its wood form approximately 34 inches high and stacked 12 x 12 inches.
Please inquire for a quote out of steel or other permanent outdoor materials.
#lauraphelpsrogers #sculpture #modular #art #ncwca #castiron #surrealist #surrealism #conceptual #conceptualart #conceptualartist #largeformatphotography #murals #muralartist #centerforbioethicsandhumanities #socialart #socialengagementart #artworkshops #communityartprojects #publicart #publicsocialengagementart #communityartists #communityart #installationart #installationartist #photography #photographer #fineartimages #fineart #contemporaryart #rino #rinoartdistrict #rinoartist #mural #murals #muralartist #wca #womenscaucusforart #foolproofcontemporaryart #foolproofartgallery #westernart #contemporarywesternartists
This series Not So Fragile is at the core of Laura’s connection to the feminine experience and the conceptual contemporary lens she uses to look at the womanhood - utilizing the medium itself to suggest or break the notion of fragility and replacing it with durability. The medium bronze, also captures the detail in the finery. The originals are still available and are underway to be editioned and released in late 2022 or 2023.
A life size “dress” is in fabrication process currently.
These dresses have been exhibited widely and well received as one of Laura’s signature set of works. From Art Basel in Miami throughout the region. Often the images are exhibited rather than the sculptures themselves and are best acquired with acrylic face mounts on aluminum printed on metallic paper - (up to 40 inches square)
Pricing the original Dresses from the series $5900.00 each.
Editioned Dresses will run $750.00-$1200.00 and images start at $395 - several images of various sizes are available through the gallery with the acrylic face mounts.
Her other series is a legacy project out of iron the Iron Maidens which she is up to 96 (and going for 100) intended at the outset of completion to be one sculpture.
#lauraphelpsrogers #sculpture #modular #art #bronze #bronzesculpture #feminine #ncwca #castiron #surrealist #surrealism #conceptual #conceptualart #conceptualartist #largeformatphotography #murals #muralartist #centerforbioethicsandhumanities #socialart #socialengagementart #artworkshops #communityartprojects #publicart #publicsocialengagementart #communityartists #communityart #installationart #installationartist #photography #photographer #fineartimages #fineart #contemporaryart #rino #rinoartdistrict #rinoartist #mural #murals #muralartist #wca #womenscaucusforart #foolproofcontemporaryart #foolproofartgallery #westernart #contemporarywesternartists
This surrealist work contains 5 original cast wishbones with fur and ceramic beads and a hand developed clasp. Life size this work is available through the gallery for $3900.00
This is a life-size bronze of the artist herself - available at the gallery as a sculpture for $5900.00 - the work was intended as a maquette for a larger scale cast public work as shown where a tree or plant material is planted withing the opening of the bust and allowed to become the head. Please inquire with the artist for monumental pricing.
#lauraphelpsrogers #sculpture #modular #art #bronze #bronzesculpture #feminine #environmentalart #environmental #ncwca #castiron #surrealist #surrealism #conceptual #conceptualart #conceptualartist #largeformatphotography #murals #muralartist #centerforbioethicsandhumanities #socialart #socialengagementart #artworkshops #communityartprojects #publicart #publicsocialengagementart #communityartists #communityart #installationart #installationartist #photography #photographer #fineartimages #fineart #contemporaryart #rino #rinoartdistrict #rinoartist #mural #murals #muralartist #wca #womenscaucusforart #foolproofcontemporaryart #foolproofartgallery #westernart #contemporarywesternartists
Laura again investigated the historic role women have been relegated too in Home Economic a solo exhibition - This sculpture represented shopping by spelling SHOP is LED channel letters placed within a vintage shopping cart. The sculpture is available through the gallery for $3500.00
The sculpture was additionally intended as a maquette for a public work at the monumental 20-40 foot scale please inquire if interested fabrication estimate $20,000.00 - $150,000.00
#lauraphelpsrogers #sculpture #modular #art #ncwca #castiron #surrealist #surrealism #conceptual #conceptualart #conceptualartist #largeformatphotography #murals #muralartist #centerforbioethicsandhumanities #socialart #socialengagementart #artworkshops #communityartprojects #publicart #publicsocialengagementart #communityartists #communityart #installationart #installationartist #photography #photographer #fineartimages #fineart #contemporaryart #rino #rinoartdistrict #rinoartist #mural #murals #muralartist #wca #womenscaucusforart #foolproofcontemporaryart #foolproofartgallery #westernart #contemporarywesternartists
Small format installation sculpture available through the gallery - this sculpture is from the lens of a woman, aging living in semi isolated agriculture community. It is mixed Media with found objects, original painting, Cast Cat Iron Flower Bulbs and Flower Peat Pots together with Found Objects.
The sculpture is available through the gallery for $7900.00
#lauraphelpsrogers #sculpture #modular #art #ncwca #castiron #surrealist #surrealism #conceptual #conceptualart #conceptualartist #largeformatphotography #murals #muralartist #centerforbioethicsandhumanities #socialart #socialengagementart #artworkshops #communityartprojects #publicart #publicsocialengagementart #communityartists #communityart #installationart #installationartist #photography #photographer #fineartimages #fineart #contemporaryart #rino #rinoartdistrict #rinoartist #mural #murals #muralartist #wca #womenscaucusforart #foolproofcontemporaryart #foolproofartgallery #westernart #contemporarywesternartists
This small installation sculpture can be purchased as shown through the gallery - dimensions are 6 foot x 10 feet x 6 feet - the price is $2900.00 medium is Galvanized Metal, Plastic Paint and Wood
Monumentalized for public sculpture or outdoor sculpture the components will run approximately $39,000.00
#lauraphelpsrogers #sculpture #modular #art #ncwca #castiron #surrealist #surrealism #conceptual #conceptualart #conceptualartist #largeformatphotography #murals #muralartist #centerforbioethicsandhumanities #socialart #socialengagementart #artworkshops #communityartprojects #publicart #publicsocialengagementart #communityartists #communityart #installationart #installationartist #photography #photographer #fineartimages #fineart #contemporaryart #rino #rinoartdistrict #rinoartist #mural #murals #muralartist #wca #womenscaucusforart #foolproofcontemporaryart #foolproofartgallery #westernart #contemporarywesternartists
One of the artist’s earlier mixed media collages from 2005
Available through the gallery at $695 in in a custom deep black gallery frame.
#lauraphelpsrogers #sculpture #modular #art #ncwca #castiron #surrealist #surrealism #conceptual #conceptualart #conceptualartist #largeformatphotography #murals #muralartist #centerforbioethicsandhumanities #socialart #socialengagementart #artworkshops #communityartprojects #publicart #publicsocialengagementart #communityartists #communityart #installationart #installationartist #photography #photographer #fineartimages #fineart #contemporaryart #rino #rinoartdistrict #rinoartist #mural #murals #muralartist #wca #womenscaucusforart #foolproofcontemporaryart #foolproofartgallery #westernart #contemporarywesternartists
Mixed media wall sculpture - approximately 8 x 12 inches - this work was created for a specific spot within an exhibition and signifies a transition metamorphosis of what was to what is - the journey the artist has taken.
The work is available through the gallery at a price of $596
#lauraphelpsrogers #sculpture #modular #art #ncwca #castiron #surrealist #surrealism #conceptual #conceptualart #conceptualartist #largeformatphotography #murals #muralartist #centerforbioethicsandhumanities #socialart #socialengagementart #artworkshops #communityartprojects #publicart #publicsocialengagementart #communityartists #communityart #installationart #installationartist #photography #photographer #fineartimages #fineart #contemporaryart #rino #rinoartdistrict #rinoartist #mural #murals #muralartist #wca #womenscaucusforart #foolproofcontemporaryart #foolproofartgallery #westernart #contemporarywesternartists
This cast iron and wood sculpture teeters on being an installation - it is compromised of 8 unique female forms sitting on top of inverted bowls that express Chinese export porcelain the 3-d - each form is created to suggest the similarity as in sisterhood but the difference between each of us (women) - lined up to represent some of the historic roles we have played and highlight the essence of taking on masculine roles performing factory roles during world war II filling shoes of men and highlighting the plight of women primarily relegated to unequal and historic trades held as roles for women roles such as telephone operators, seamstresses, food servers etc.
The sculpture are available through the gallery as either one unit or both - Each table and 4 sculptures is available through the gallery for $6900.00 each
The artist would consider re-editioning the work in bronze please inquire as to price and timeline.
#lauraphelpsrogers #sculpture #modular #art #ncwca #castiron #surrealist #surrealism #conceptual #conceptualart #conceptualartist #largeformatphotography #murals #muralartist #centerforbioethicsandhumanities #socialart #socialengagementart #artworkshops #communityartprojects #publicart #publicsocialengagementart #communityartists #communityart #installationart #installationartist #photography #photographer #fineartimages #fineart #contemporaryart #rino #rinoartdistrict #rinoartist #mural #murals #muralartist #wca #womenscaucusforart #foolproofcontemporaryart #foolproofartgallery #westernart #contemporarywesternartists
These works are a product of working with what was on hand during the deep covid lock down. each unique mixed media piece is mounted to a 10 x 10 black wood panel. The works embody texture with a reference to feminine tasks. They are intended to be exhibited in multiples and allow the owner great flexibility in how to display and mix colors -
They are available through the gallery at $145.00 each - there are 40 available at posting - additional piece can be ordered.
These works would make unique bronze panels for a commitment of $2400.00 each
#lauraphelpsrogers #sculpture #modular #art #ncwca #castiron #surrealist #surrealism #conceptual #conceptualart #conceptualartist #largeformatphotography #murals #muralartist #centerforbioethicsandhumanities #socialart #socialengagementart #artworkshops #communityartprojects #publicart #publicsocialengagementart #communityartists #communityart #installationart #installationartist #photography #photographer #fineartimages #fineart #contemporaryart #rino #rinoartdistrict #rinoartist #mural #murals #muralartist #wca #womenscaucusforart #foolproofcontemporaryart #foolproofartgallery #westernart #contemporarywesternartists
This sculpture is one of the key pieces for the solo exhibition Enchanted from April 2018. It is a rare 16th-17th chair that has been transformed into another world contained within itself a journey to somewhere else in an object. The sculpture is available through the gallery for $4900.00.
This work could be monumentalized in bronze or aluminum at a price of $52,000.00.
#lauraphelpsrogers #sculpture #ephemeral #enchanted #castiron #surrealist #surrealism #conceptual #conceptualart #conceptualartist #largeformatphotography #murals #muralartist #centerforbioethicsandhumanities #socialart #socialengagementart #artworkshops #communityartprojects #publicart #publicsocialengagementart #communityartists #communityart #installationart #installationartist #photography #photographer #fineartimages #fineart #contemporaryart #rino #rinoartdistrict #rinoartist #mural #murals #muralartist #wca #womenscaucusforart #foolproofcontemporaryart #foolproofartgallery #westernart #contemporarywesternartists
These works are unique mixed media monoprints created for More Than One Tough Chick and exhibited subsequently in several group exhibitions. They are framed in black gallery frames with mats and are approximately 24 x 30 inches each. The works are available through the gallery at a price of $1195.00 each
#lauraphelpsrogers #sculpture #ephemeral #ncwca #castiron #surrealist #surrealism #conceptual #conceptualart #conceptualartist #largeformatphotography #murals #muralartist #centerforbioethicsandhumanities #socialart #socialengagementart #artworkshops #communityartprojects #publicart #publicsocialengagementart #communityartists #communityart #installationart #installationartist #photography #photographer #fineartimages #fineart #contemporaryart #rino #rinoartdistrict #rinoartist #mural #murals #muralartist #wca #womenscaucusforart #foolproofcontemporaryart #foolproofartgallery #westernart #contemporarywesternartists
These works are unique mixed media monoprints created for More Than One Tough Chick and exhibited subsequently in several group exhibitions. They are framed in black gallery frames with mats and are approximately 24 x 30 inches each. The works are available through the gallery at a price of $1195.00 each
#lauraphelpsrogers #sculpture #ephemeral #ncwca #castiron #surrealist #surrealism #conceptual #conceptualart #conceptualartist #largeformatphotography #murals #muralartist #centerforbioethicsandhumanities #socialart #socialengagementart #artworkshops #communityartprojects #publicart #publicsocialengagementart #communityartists #communityart #installationart #installationartist #photography #photographer #fineartimages #fineart #contemporaryart #rino #rinoartdistrict #rinoartist #mural #murals #muralartist #wca #womenscaucusforart #foolproofcontemporaryart #foolproofartgallery #westernart #contemporarywesternartists
This work was created for a Northern California Women’s Caucus for Art Exhibition as we came out of covid and were spiraling amidst the Trump era - thinking of people living in glass houses thoughts and feeling evolved into manifested thoughts place on dehydrated fruits and painted in unified whitish pink shades as personalities themselves.
This work is available through the gallery - it is 12 x 6 x 10 and is $300.
#lauraphelpsrogers #sculpture #ephemeral #ncwca #castiron #surrealist #surrealism #conceptual #conceptualart #conceptualartist #largeformatphotography #murals #muralartist #centerforbioethicsandhumanities #socialart #socialengagementart #artworkshops #communityartprojects #publicart #publicsocialengagementart #communityartists #communityart #installationart #installationartist #photography #photographer #fineartimages #fineart #contemporaryart #rino #rinoartdistrict #rinoartist #mural #murals #muralartist #wca #womenscaucusforart #foolproofcontemporaryart #foolproofartgallery #westernart #contemporarywesternartists
Glow was exhibited in Beat Clack Snap at fooLPRoof art gallery in a group exhibition. It never installs exactly the same so it is considered dimensionally variable work - various LED arrays could be used as shown or similar - this work is $1500.00 uninstalled.
#lauraphelpsrogers #sculpture #castiron #surrealist #surrealism #conceptual #conceptualart #conceptualartist #largeformatphotography #murals #muralartist #centerforbioethicsandhumanities #socialart #socialengagementart #artworkshops #communityartprojects #publicart #publicsocialengagementart #communityartists #communityart #installationart #installationartist #photography #photographer #fineartimages #fineart #contemporaryart #rino #rinoartdistrict #rinoartist #mural #murals #muralartist #wca #womenscaucusforart #foolproofcontemporaryart #foolproofartgallery #westernart #contemporarywesternartists
The NCWCA was thinking of Judy Chicago and came up with this covid to post covid exhibition asking artists to create a sculpture about their moment in life - this was mine. The work embraces several mediums from ceramic (trees) to cast iron (paint brushes and paint tube) and text to handmade gingerbread trees arranged with found objects into the desired format. This sculpture is 18 x 24 x 10 inches and is available for $1250.00 with a custom plexiglass box to go over the work. $950 without.
#lauraphelpsrogers #sculpture #surrealism #surrealist #largeformatphotography #murals #muralartist #centerforbioethicsandhumanities #socialart #socialengagementart #artworkshops #communityartprojects #publicart #publicsocialengagementart #communityartists #communityart #installationart #installationartist #photography #photographer #fineartimages #fineart #contemporaryart #rino #rinoartdistrict #rinoartist #mural #murals #muralartist #wca #womenscaucusforart #foolproofcontemporaryart #foolproofartgallery #westernart #contemporarywesternartists
This sculpture is one of the key pieces for the solo exhibition Home Economics in June of 2015. It is a 1930s sofa and 1940s table that have been transformed into a flurry of nature but upon closer examination is artificial. The sofa a monumental undertaking that involved countless hours and manipulation of a perfect representation of a formal past - the table was completed later to complement the sofa piece in the exhibition during CRUSHWALLS at fooLPRoof contemporary art in grown-up a large tree branch was installed above the pair.
The sculptures are available through the gallery for The sofa is $7900.00 - This work could be monumentalized in bronze or aluminum at a price of $82,000.00 - $96,000.00.
The table is available for $2150.00 and could be monumentalized in bronze for $49,000.00
#lauraphelpsrogers #sculpture #ephemeral #enchanted #castiron #surrealist #surrealism #conceptual #conceptualart #conceptualartist #largeformatphotography #murals #muralartist #centerforbioethicsandhumanities #socialart #socialengagementart #artworkshops #communityartprojects #publicart #publicsocialengagementart #communityartists #communityart #installationart #installationartist #photography #photographer #fineartimages #fineart #contemporaryart #rino #rinoartdistrict #rinoartist #mural #murals #muralartist #wca #womenscaucusforart #foolproofcontemporaryart #foolproofartgallery #westernart #contemporarywesternartists
Cast Iron sculpture approximately 20” tall - $1895.00
#lauraphelpsrogers #feminist #feministart #femalfigure #femaleform #sculpture #castiron #surrealist #surrealism #conceptual #conceptualart #conceptualartist #largeformatphotography #murals #muralartist #centerforbioethicsandhumanities #socialart #socialengagementart #artworkshops #communityartprojects #publicart #publicsocialengagementart #communityartists #communityart #installationart #installationartist #photography #photographer #fineartimages #fineart #contemporaryart #rino #rinoartdistrict #rinoartist #mural #murals #muralartist #wca #womenscaucusforart #foolproofcontemporaryart #foolproofartgallery #westernart #contemporarywesternartists
These are beautiful face mounted images with acrylic faces on aluminum with stand offs and where printed for Utopia a solo exhibition. They are available through the gallery for $650 for the set and are approximately 11 x 14” each
#lauraphelpsrogers #sculpture #castiron #surrealist #surrealism #conceptual #conceptualart #conceptualartist #largeformatphotography #murals #muralartist #centerforbioethicsandhumanities #socialart #socialengagementart #artworkshops #communityartprojects #publicart #publicsocialengagementart #communityartists #communityart #installationart #installationartist #photography #photographer #fineartimages #fineart #contemporaryart #rino #rinoartdistrict #rinoartist #mural #murals #muralartist #wca #womenscaucusforart #foolproofcontemporaryart #foolproofartgallery #westernart #contemporarywesternartists
The piece in entirety can be seen in the solo exhibition images for Home Economics - The sculpture is a mixed media sculpture approximately 30 x 24 inches x 70 inches tall - that can be purchased for $3900.00.
It can be fabricated to a larger public scale out of steel - the birds maybe cast in bronze individually at any scale up to 8 feet.
This installation which encompasses two components the triptych created from a an original painting are large format images printed at 48 x 48 (x3) and are $2100.00 for the set of 3 back drop images. These images are on hand at fooLPRoof art gallery and available for purchase/
The sculpture itself is a large 4 x 8 foot wood sculpture that was originally exhibited with live plant material - it can be ordered in cast and fabricated metal in entirety or ordered with bronze or semipermanent “plant material to fill the 1200 test tubes creating the “artificial landscape” - Price dependent on plant material desired or as a permanent work.
#lauraphelpsrogers #largeformatphotography #murals #muralartist #centerforbioethicsandhumanities #socialart #socialengagementart #artworkshops #communityartprojects #publicart #publicsocialengagementart #communityartists #communityart #installationart #installationartist #photography #photographer #fineartimages #fineart #contemporaryart #rino #rinoartdistrict #rinoartist #mural #murals #muralartist #wca #womenscaucusforart #foolproofcontemporaryart #foolproofartgallery #westernart #contemporarywesternartists
This sculpture was fabricated for two site specific events and brought together as one sculpture in Laura’s solo exhibition Utopia. Additional images can be seen there. The sculpture includes the letters which are 2 sided with a menagerie in the rear of twigs and moss - It comes with an A or a U for the interchangeable word and is hand painted. Available for $3500.00 the “fence was created for a site specific event décor piece and is 12 feet long x 13 inches deep and 40 inches high - - the fence portion by itself is $1400.00 - together they mat be purchased at the gallery for $4200.00
#lauraphelpsrogers #largeformatphotography #murals #muralartist #centerforbioethicsandhumanities #socialart #socialengagementart #artworkshops #communityartprojects #publicart #publicsocialengagementart #communityartists #communityart #installationart #installationartist #photography #photographer #fineartimages #fineart #contemporaryart #rino #rinoartdistrict #rinoartist #mural #murals #muralartist #wca #womenscaucusforart #foolproofcontemporaryart #foolproofartgallery #westernart #contemporarywesternartists #sculpture #artopia #utopia
Relic is Cast iron and stone - approximately 24 x 36 x 8 inches price is $5900.00 Kin to Laura’s widely exhibited widely work Full Metal Jacket - Relic was written up in the review for The Art of War
#lauraphelpsrogers #sculpture #castiron #surrealist #surrealism #theartofwar #conceptual #conceptualart #conceptualartist #largeformatphotography #murals #muralartist #centerforbioethicsandhumanities #socialart #socialengagementart #artworkshops #communityartprojects #publicart #publicsocialengagementart #communityartists #communityart #installationart #installationartist #photography #photographer #fineartimages #fineart #contemporaryart #rino #rinoartdistrict #rinoartist #mural #murals #muralartist #wca #womenscaucusforart #foolproofcontemporaryart #foolproofartgallery #westernart #contemporarywesternartists
#lauraphelpsrogers #sculpture #modular #art #ncwca #castiron #surrealist #surrealism #conceptual #conceptualart #conceptualartist #largeformatphotography #murals #muralartist #centerforbioethicsandhumanities #socialart #socialengagementart #artworkshops #communityartprojects #publicart #publicsocialengagementart #communityartists #communityart #installationart #installationartist #photography #photographer #fineartimages #fineart #contemporaryart #rino #rinoartdistrict #rinoartist #mural #murals #muralartist #wca #womenscaucusforart #foolproofcontemporaryart #foolproofartgallery #westernart #contemporarywesternartists
This work has been exhibited extensively. It represents my father’s service in WWII, the service of others and my own memories of those I knew and their non-combat stories that served in the Vietnam War. It was created on an early contemporary art principle where the words air and jacket were pulled from a hat.
This was a small impromptu installation completed to fill a void in an exhibition - each piece is available individually - the table and the 5 Original Dimensional paintings (modular in nature) remain each painting is $150.00 each matching table is $295.00 (created from vintage found object)
#lauraphelpsrogers #sculpture #modular #art #ncwca #castiron #surrealist #surrealism #conceptual #conceptualart #conceptualartist #largeformatphotography #murals #muralartist #centerforbioethicsandhumanities #socialart #socialengagementart #artworkshops #communityartprojects #publicart #publicsocialengagementart #communityartists #communityart #installationart #installationartist #photography #photographer #fineartimages #fineart #contemporaryart #rino #rinoartdistrict #rinoartist #mural #murals #muralartist #wca #womenscaucusforart #foolproofcontemporaryart #foolproofartgallery #westernart #contemporarywesternartists
This work memorializes the time I spent in the San Luis Valley early in my career. Where my fine art business started at its first location. Lots of antelope and very cold and windy with many jack rabbits. A self portrait of sorts. Surreal in nature
Most of the images here are part of series of photographs - several are shown large format in situ. Other have won awards or been reviewed. The silver gelatin set Mrs. Winter on the Edge - just returned from an exhibition in Northern California.
Image as shown 12 feet x 12 feet on changeable frame. An image this size is available for $950.00 on durable outdoor material choices. Image shown has wind slits
Fine art prints on paper unframed starting at $695.00 each
#lauraphelpsrogers #photography #crushwalls #largeformat #largeformatphotography #nft #artist #mural #muralartist #crushwalls #rino #rinoartdistrict
Printed here 10 x 15 feet for a business on West Colfax, Denver. Price at this size $950.00 on durable material choices - This image was an award winning image - featured in a Westword review at the time of the series exhibition.
Fine art prints on paper - available starting at $295.00
#lauraphelpsrogers #photography #crushwalls #largeformat #largeformatphotography #nft #artist #mural #muralartist #crushwalls #rino #rinoartdistrict
We Finance large format photograph by Laura Phelps Rogers shown here installed
#lauraphelpsrogers #photography #crushwalls #largeformat #largeformatphotography #nft #artist #mural #muralartist #crushwalls #rino #rinoartdistrict
From a Space In Time shown here 11 feet by 31 feet - available starting at $1500
This image has been printed 19 feet by 18 feet for a site specific installation It is available for $1500 (not new) on billboard material durable for outdoor or light outdoor use.
Fine art prints on paper unframed 11 x 14” starting at $95.00 each
Each image shown 34 inches x 54 inches x 5 inches deep aluminum lightboxes with LED array indoor or outdoor - as shown $1850 each.
This series may be ordered in smaller or bigger sizes.
#lauraphelpsrogers #photography #crushwalls #largeformat #largeformatphotography #nft #artist #mural #muralartist #crushwalls #rino #rinoartdistrict
Shown in RiNo at GlassHall gallery - each panel 48 x 60 inches - fine art prints on light durable material would be $1500.00 each - on durable outdoor material with stitched edges $400.00 each. - As fine art prints on paper starting at $495.00 each - some original silver gelatin prints from this series are still available please inquire,
#lauraphelpsrogers #photography #crushwalls #largeformat #largeformatphotography #nft #artist #mural #muralartist #crushwalls #rino #rinoartdistrict
Dimensions variable - please inquire for interior fine art print on paper or exterior large format image.
#lauraphelpsrogers #photography #crushwalls #largeformat #largeformatphotography #nft #artist #mural #muralartist #crushwalls #rino #rinoartdistrict
Dimensions variable - please inquire for interior fine art print on paper or exterior large format image.
This image of Laura’s was featured in an article by Ray Rinaldi of the Denver Post in January of 2021 in Your City - Colorado Photographic Art Center and Denver Architecture Association exhibition
#lauraphelpsrogers #photography #crushwalls #largeformat #largeformatphotography #nft #artist #mural #muralartist #crushwalls #rino #rinoartdistrict #blacklivesmatter
This image is available large format outdoor durable material - dimensions variable starting at $500
Also at the gallery and available as a fine art print on deep profile canvas 36 x 48 (approximately) for $1100.
Please inquire about fine art prints on paper pricing
#lauraphelpsrogers #stilllife #installationart #installationartist #photography #photographer #fineartimages #fineart #contemporaryart #rino #rinoartdistrict #rinoartist #mural #murals #muralartist #wca #womenscaucusforart #greenverte
As shown available as A/P $1850.00
This image is available for large format printing or paper fine art prints starting at $495.00
#lauraphelpsrogers #stilllife #installationart #installationartist #photography #photographer #fineartimages #fineart #contemporaryart #rino #rinoartdistrict #rinoartist #mural #murals #muralartist #wca #womenscaucusforart #foolproofcontemporaryart #foolproofartgallery #textured #texturedseries
This image is available as fine art image on deep profile canvas approximately 40 x 60 inches and is could be printed large format on durable outdoor materials starting at $1200.00. The 40 x 60 canvas print is $1495.00.
The image is from the artist’s series A New Look at the American West - the original hand colored 8 x 10 silver gelatin photograph is available for $1895.00
#lauraphelpsrogers #stilllife #installationart #installationartist #photography #photographer #fineartimages #fineart #contemporaryart #rino #rinoartdistrict #rinoartist #mural #murals #muralartist #wca #womenscaucusforart #foolproofcontemporaryart #foolproofartgallery #anewlookatheamericanwest #westernart #contemporarywesternart
This image was a part of the Enchanted solo exhibition at Pirate Contemporary Art in 2018 - it is approximately 10 feet wide and 11 feet tall and is hung on a curtain rod as a curtain in a durable outdoor mesh (slightly see through) This edition of the large format image is at the gallery for $750.00 - other variations or large format are available please inquire about pricing and desired material.
#lauraphelpsrogers #largeformatphotography #murals #muralartist #centerforbioethicsandhumanities #socialart #socialengagementart #artworkshops #communityartprojects #publicart #publicsocialengagementart #communityartists #communityart #installationart #installationartist #photography #photographer #fineartimages #fineart #contemporaryart #rino #rinoartdistrict #rinoartist #mural #murals #muralartist #wca #womenscaucusforart #foolproofcontemporaryart #foolproofartgallery #westernart #contemporarywesternartists
This image is available as an editioned framed and matted fine art print (black frame 19 x 24 inches double mat gallery style) for $595.00 - Please inquire about pricing for this image as large format print on deep profile stretched canvas or on durable outdoor materials.
#lauraphelpsrogers #rockymtnmotel #us40 #historicus40 #neon #neonsigns #largeformatphotography #murals #muralartist #centerforbioethicsandhumanities #socialart #socialengagementart #artworkshops #communityartprojects #publicart #publicsocialengagementart #communityartists #communityart #installationart #installationartist #photography #photographer #fineartimages #fineart #contemporaryart #rino #rinoartdistrict #rinoartist #mural #murals #muralartist #wca #womenscaucusforart #foolproofcontemporaryart #foolproofartgallery #westernart #contemporarywesternartists
Laura has had the pleasure of curating numerous group exhibitions throughout her visual career and currently curates exhibitions on a regular basis at the gallery fooLPRoof contemporary art. 3240design LLC company dba fooLPRoof contemporary art celebrated its 5th anniversary in 2023. Laura celebrated curating the 21st exhibition at the gallery. Now up to 25 exhibitions. @foolproofartgallery on Instagram #foolproofartgallery @foolproofcontemporaryart
She also provides coaching for artists interested in developing an exclusive body of work for the gallery or occasionally mid-early career artists.
fooLPRoof contemporary art gallery - winter exhibitions supporting a contemporary take on the holiday season. Feature installation Gallery view with Laura’s own sculpture installation by Laura Phelps Rogers
fooLPRoof contemporary art gallery - Gallery view L Recchia food based paintings installed in sculptural installation format with components of Laura’s sculpture - installation created by Laura Phelps Rogers
fooLPRoof contemporary art gallery
fooLPRoof contemporary art gallery - The exhibition Grown Up took place in the summer and featured some interesting spins on the outdoors - sculpture and image Laura Phelps Rogers all rights reserved
fooLPRoof contemporary art gallery - The exhibition Grown Up took place in the summer and featured some interesting spins on the outdoors
fooLPRoof contemporary art gallery - The exhibition Grown Up took place in the summer and featured some interesting spins on the outdoors
fooLPRoof contemporary art gallery - The exhibition Grown Up took place in the summer and featured some interesting spins on the outdoors
fooLPRoof contemporary art gallery - was an early exhibition at the gallery that embodied and embraced contemporary art practice while forcibly showing viewers some outrageous work in scale, skill or whimsy.
Installation Laura Phelps Rogers from Coral Penelope Lambert sculpture and D. Lobdell Binary sculpture components. C. Peterson drawings to left.
fooLPRoof contemporary art gallery - Beak Clack Snap allowed artist to consider the rush and calmness or eccentricities of everyday life
fooLPRoof contemporary art gallery - gallery view of Beat Clack Snap - I Sandoval, D Phemby and E Anderson works shown
fooLPRoof contemporary art gallery - This was a lighthearted exhibition in which artists were encouraged to think about their work and present it from a viewers pleasure. It took place in the summer providing a season to facilitate a sense of lightness.
Image for ISC International Sculpture day - image and installation Laura Phelps Rogers
Installation by Laura Phelps Rogers - from two back to back paintings by J Hope
Installation view - Laura Phelps Rogers
Was a contemporary western exhibition that allowed for ideas about the changing western landscape and disappearing open space
fooLPRoof contemporary art gallery - This exhibition was up in the gallery when covid shutdowns hit - it allowed artists to consider the colloquisim from a literal and conceptual viewpoint.
The gallery featured 23 paintings from this well known Colorado artist with the artist allowing Laura the freedom of hanging several of the works in a dimensional format suggestive of an installation along the front wall at fooLPRoof contemporary art gallery. This exhibition re- opened the doors of fooLPRoof after appointment only phase of covid shutdowns.
fooLPRoof contemporary art gallery - This exhibition brought the gallery the step out of covid featuring several paintings by this creative artist in the front as well his sculpture the gallery handles on a regular basis. Other gallery artists rotated in the rear and the exhibition rolled into a Day of the Dead installation and alter built around another painting by the same artist with a pop-up sculpture by Emily Zeek.
fooLPRoof contemporary art gallery view - Binary featured the works of D Lobdell who works primarily with cast metals these works featured, focused on the contrast between new forms of communication (binary code) with historic and ritual forms of communication.
A short exhibition featuring a series of Laura’s own 2-d works in which she surrounded her work with the works of several accomplished artists with work in the realm of deep space.
Installation from enchanted Laura Phelps Rogers
Gallery view L Recchia large format works installed in installation format with components of Laura’s own sculpture installation by Laura Phelps Rogers
fooLPRoof contemporary art gallery - first winter exhibition featured several installation works including the feature Wonderland and installation with Louis’ large format paintings
fooLPRoof contemporary art gallery - took place in the Fall
The Maiden Voyage
installation by Laura Phelps Rogers - sculptural cards by W. Barton
Artists were invited to create installation based works in automobiles. The autos were lined up during an event in the art district similar to a car show
Laura opened fooLPRoof contemporary art gallery in RiNo Art district in June of 2018. She tries to create an installation for each exhibit
A 25 foot mural still installed at 3240 Larimer St. in the mural district of Denver - completed in 2017 and updated several times.
#lauraphelpsrogers #crushwalls #sculpture #modular #art #bronze #bronzesculpture #feminine #environmentalart #environmental #ncwca #castiron #surrealist #surrealism #conceptual #conceptualart #conceptualartist #largeformatphotography #murals #muralartist #centerforbioethicsandhumanities #socialart #socialengagementart #artworkshops #communityartprojects #publicart #publicsocialengagementart #communityartists #communityart #installationart #installationartist #photography #photographer #fineartimages #fineart #contemporaryart #rino #rinoartdistrict #rinoartist #mural #murals #muralartist #wca #womenscaucusforart #foolproofcontemporaryart #foolproofartgallery #westernart #contemporarywesternartists
In process image of a 25 foot mural still installed at 3240 Larimer St. in the mural district of Denver - completed in 2017 and updated several times.
#lauraphelpsrogers #crushwalls #sculpture #modular #art #bronze #bronzesculpture #feminine #environmentalart #environmental #ncwca #castiron #surrealist #surrealism #conceptual #conceptualart #conceptualartist #largeformatphotography #murals #muralartist #centerforbioethicsandhumanities #socialart #socialengagementart #artworkshops #communityartprojects #publicart #publicsocialengagementart #communityartists #communityart #installationart #installationartist #photography #photographer #fineartimages #fineart #contemporaryart #rino #rinoartdistrict #rinoartist #mural #murals #muralartist #wca #womenscaucusforart #foolproofcontemporaryart #foolproofartgallery #westernart #contemporarywesternartists
6 printed 48 x 60 inches each - shown in the GlassHall Gallery
#lauraphelpsrogers #crushwalls #sculpture #temporarymural #mural #photgraphicmural #photographer
Getting ready to create the “Paint Spill” mural for 2019 remains installed at 3240 Larimer Street.
#lauraphelpsrogers #crushwalls #sculpture #modular #art #bronze #bronzesculpture #feminine #environmentalart #environmental #ncwca #castiron #surrealist #surrealism #conceptual #conceptualart #conceptualartist #largeformatphotography #murals #muralartist #centerforbioethicsandhumanities #socialart #socialengagementart #artworkshops #communityartprojects #publicart #publicsocialengagementart #communityartists #communityart #installationart #installationartist #photography #photographer #fineartimages #fineart #contemporaryart #rino #rinoartdistrict #rinoartist #mural #murals #muralartist #wca #womenscaucusforart #foolproofcontemporaryart #foolproofartgallery #westernart #contemporarywesternartists
A 65 foot mural still installed at 3240 Larimer St. in the mural district of Denver
#lauraphelpsrogers #crushwalls #sculpture #modular #art #bronze #bronzesculpture #feminine #environmentalart #environmental #ncwca #castiron #surrealist #surrealism #conceptual #conceptualart #conceptualartist #largeformatphotography #murals #muralartist #centerforbioethicsandhumanities #socialart #socialengagementart #artworkshops #communityartprojects #publicart #publicsocialengagementart #communityartists #communityart #installationart #installationartist #photography #photographer #fineartimages #fineart #contemporaryart #rino #rinoartdistrict #rinoartist #mural #murals #muralartist #wca #womenscaucusforart #foolproofcontemporaryart #foolproofartgallery #westernart #contemporarywesternartists
The start of Crushwalls 2019 - each artist received a mural specific care package. Laura created 2 projects in 2019 and the Butterfly sculpture served as a dimensional mural in 2018.
the 2019 mural and changeable mural framework for a temporary mural remain together with the 2018 sculpture remain installed at 3240 Larimer Street.
#lauraphelpsrogers #crushwalls #sculpture #modular #art #bronze #bronzesculpture #feminine #environmentalart #environmental #ncwca #castiron #surrealist #surrealism #conceptual #conceptualart #conceptualartist #largeformatphotography #murals #muralartist #centerforbioethicsandhumanities #socialart #socialengagementart #artworkshops #communityartprojects #publicart #publicsocialengagementart #communityartists #communityart #installationart #installationartist #photography #photographer #fineartimages #fineart #contemporaryart #rino #rinoartdistrict #rinoartist #mural #murals #muralartist #wca #womenscaucusforart #foolproofcontemporaryart #foolproofartgallery #westernart #contemporarywesternartists
Butterfly sculpture served as a dimensional mural in 2018 and remains installed at 3240 Larimer Street.
#lauraphelpsrogers #crushwalls #sculpture #modular #art #bronze #bronzesculpture #feminine #environmentalart #environmental #ncwca #castiron #surrealist #surrealism #conceptual #conceptualart #conceptualartist #largeformatphotography #murals #muralartist #centerforbioethicsandhumanities #socialart #socialengagementart #artworkshops #communityartprojects #publicart #publicsocialengagementart #communityartists #communityart #installationart #installationartist #photography #photographer #fineartimages #fineart #contemporaryart #rino #rinoartdistrict #rinoartist #mural #murals #muralartist #wca #womenscaucusforart #foolproofcontemporaryart #foolproofartgallery #westernart #contemporarywesternartists
This was a site specific sculptural installation with a performative component at RedLine in Denver at the entrance - presented as a solo exhibition - this work includes a large format composite image at the rear of the installation - please inquire for project needs that require large format images of this nature - image shown is printed on durable outdoor material at 21 feet x 19 feet.
#lauraphelpsrogers #crushwalls #sculpture #modular #art #bronze #bronzesculpture #feminine #environmentalart #environmental #ncwca #castiron #surrealist #surrealism #conceptual #conceptualart #conceptualartist #largeformatphotography #murals #muralartist #centerforbioethicsandhumanities #socialart #socialengagementart #artworkshops #communityartprojects #publicart #publicsocialengagementart #communityartists #communityart #installationart #installationartist #photography #photographer #fineartimages #fineart #contemporaryart #rino #rinoartdistrict #rinoartist #mural #murals #muralartist #wca #womenscaucusforart #foolproofcontemporaryart #foolproofartgallery #westernart #contemporarywesternartists
From a Space in Time at the Lakewood Cultural Center James Richey Gallery this image shown is 11 feet by 31 feet printed on durable outdoor material - an image this size depends on the set up of the image and rranges from $1800.00 to $5000.00 please inquire for your image needs or custom art installation
#lauraphelpsrogers #crushwalls #sculpture #modular #art #bronze #bronzesculpture #feminine #environmentalart #environmental #ncwca #castiron #surrealist #surrealism #conceptual #conceptualart #conceptualartist #largeformatphotography #murals #muralartist #centerforbioethicsandhumanities #socialart #socialengagementart #artworkshops #communityartprojects #publicart #publicsocialengagementart #communityartists #communityart #installationart #installationartist #photography #photographer #fineartimages #fineart #contemporaryart #rino #rinoartdistrict #rinoartist #mural #murals #muralartist #wca #womenscaucusforart #foolproofcontemporaryart #foolproofartgallery #westernart #contemporarywesternartists
Laura Phelps Rogers - et al at the direction of S. Guinn a 4 panel mural
This image has been printed approximately 19 x 15 feet on durable outdoor material for a rod type installation and is available for sale through the gallery
#lauraphelpsrogers #crushwalls #sculpture #modular #art #bronze #bronzesculpture #feminine #environmentalart #environmental #ncwca #castiron #surrealist #surrealism #conceptual #conceptualart #conceptualartist #largeformatphotography #murals #muralartist #centerforbioethicsandhumanities #socialart #socialengagementart #artworkshops #communityartprojects #publicart #publicsocialengagementart #communityartists #communityart #installationart #installationartist #photography #photographer #fineartimages #fineart #contemporaryart #rino #rinoartdistrict #rinoartist #mural #murals #muralartist #wca #womenscaucusforart #foolproofcontemporaryart #foolproofartgallery #westernart #contemporarywesternartists
Stop by the gallery to talk about murals, your mural needs or get a copy of the mural district map. The gallery is committed to contemporary art practice and thought.
#lauraphelpsrogers #crushwalls #sculpture #modular #art #bronze #bronzesculpture #feminine #environmentalart #environmental #ncwca #castiron #surrealist #surrealism #conceptual #conceptualart #conceptualartist #largeformatphotography #murals #muralartist #centerforbioethicsandhumanities #socialart #socialengagementart #artworkshops #communityartprojects #publicart #publicsocialengagementart #communityartists #communityart #installationart #installationartist #photography #photographer #fineartimages #fineart #contemporaryart #rino #rinoartdistrict #rinoartist #mural #murals #muralartist #wca #womenscaucusforart #foolproofcontemporaryart #foolproofartgallery #westernart #contemporarywesternartists
Shown here 3 - 30 x 54 inch custom fabricated LED backlit lightboxes and images - shown here installed at the client’s location - $1850 each
#lauraphelpsrogers #crushwalls #lighboxes #backlit #images #outdoor #custom #sculpture #modular #art #bronze #bronzesculpture #feminine #environmentalart #environmental #ncwca #castiron #surrealist #surrealism #conceptual #conceptualart #conceptualartist #largeformatphotography #murals #muralartist #centerforbioethicsandhumanities #socialart #socialengagementart #artworkshops #communityartprojects #publicart #publicsocialengagementart #communityartists #communityart #installationart #installationartist #photography #photographer #fineartimages #fineart #contemporaryart #rino #rinoartdistrict #rinoartist #mural #murals #muralartist #wca #womenscaucusforart #foolproofcontemporaryart #foolproofartgallery #westernart #contemporarywesternartists
Original Mural backdrop - in the process of being stretched into original paintings - available through the gallery - this installation was the gallery version of a design for the runway and window display for Massif Denver Fashion Week at fooLPRoof contemporary art gallery - please inquire for similar visual design creations or special events.
#lauraphelpsrogers #crushwalls #massiffashionweek #sculpture #modular #art #bronze #bronzesculpture #feminine #environmentalart #environmental #ncwca #castiron #surrealist #surrealism #conceptual #conceptualart #conceptualartist #largeformatphotography #murals #muralartist #centerforbioethicsandhumanities #socialart #socialengagementart #artworkshops #communityartprojects #publicart #publicsocialengagementart #communityartists #communityart #installationart #installationartist #photography #photographer #fineartimages #fineart #contemporaryart #rino #rinoartdistrict #rinoartist #mural #murals #muralartist #wca #womenscaucusforart #foolproofcontemporaryart #foolproofartgallery #westernart #contemporarywesternartists
Taken at Seidel City in conjunction with the Artnauts anniversary exhibition there
#lauraphelpsrogers #crushwalls #lighboxes #artnauts #castiron #metalartist #images #outdoor #custom #sculpture #modular #art #bronze #bronzesculpture #feminine #environmentalart #environmental #ncwca #castiron #surrealist #surrealism #conceptual #conceptualart #conceptualartist #largeformatphotography #murals #muralartist #centerforbioethicsandhumanities #fulginettipavillion #socialart #socialengagementart #artworkshops #communityartprojects #publicart #publicsocialengagementart #communityartists #communityart #installationart #installationartist #photography #photographer #fineartimages #fineart #contemporaryart #rino #rinoartdistrict #rinoartist #mural #murals #muralartist #wca #womenscaucusforart #foolproofcontemporaryart #foolproofartgallery #westernart #contemporarywesternartists
Laura is part of the international art organization based in Colorado founded by Dr. George Rivera of CU Boulder. So far, Laura has created work for inclusion in Bosnia, Croatia, Africa, Wales, Italy, Japan and Columbia. Our anniversary exhibitions were held in 2021 at CVA Center for Visual Art Metropolitan State University and Seidel City Boulder. Dr. Rivera sets the themes which are intended to create or explore relevant social topics, social injustices and changing relations.
Is an original composite work with one of my award winning images of a 12 lane freeway taken on the day my image Strange Light was taken it has a hand painted overlay which creates the composite.
The image was used for an Artnauts exhibition - it is a detail from a sculpture that a part of Home Economics a solo exhibition.
The piece is a collage created from a photo of one of my sculptures and another it sits on is from my wallpaper around the world series. The towels have been hand stitched through the paper to give an actual texture. The image of the sculpture has been modified to include the twin towers and flames at he foot.
..couldn’t put humpty dumpty back together…This image was included in an Artnauts exhibition - it is an image of one of my original sculptures from the solo exhibition Family Matters
This is a composite overlay image - it is made of 2 digital images separated by a spacer. The upper blue sky image is from my Blue Sky series and the lower is a bench in a desolate train station.
Digital Print of my crop art piece 150 ft long - the exhibition was based on past violence of the region and the perseverance
This is a digital image modified with text for the exhibition of Divisible/Indivisible. It is an image of a 2000+ old redwood . The exhibition ironically occurred during the Redwood forest fires in California in the summer of 2021 - the image was taken around 2014
created for the Artnauts Seidel City exhibition - each work was to be submitted for a particular location. Laura selected the out building. These light boxes are 30 x 54 each and light up.
Original digital photographs printed large format on Plexiglas with aluminum boxes - 3 photographic light boxes with LED light up capability
Laura is 3rd from the left. Dr. George Rivera on the far right.
Partial installation of the project for the anniversary Artnauts exhibition at the center for visual art for Metropolitan State University in The Walls Between Us
A digital photograph modified with collaborative poetry for an Artnaut Exhibition in Wales and Tokyo
A covid 10 work - Digital image modified and then layer with text to create or relate to the challenging times of covid 19
Digital photographic montage created during covid and Black Lives Matter protests - exhibited in My City with Artnauts and also featured on the front page of the arts section of the Denver Post by Ray Rinaldi in January 2021 conjunction with a 2nd CPAC exhibition.
2 image composition - overlay over mat. For Sarajevo exhibition
Mixed media piece for the Amazon River exhibition in Columbia. Social environmental commentary
Artnauts are featured. The title of the work created for the group exhibition as well. Kind of a personal piece that brings a period to an end, Each component of the setting bears a meaning - visually without words
This piece is a monoprint that did not turn out as expected so I altered it and used one of the inked pattern pieces to overlay the work stitching in on with red thread
The painting in the background is Laura’s as well. There are now 2 of these going for 3 -5 they are life size
A few public works - this section is being expanded