Gallery view from Coldplay - showing a feature installation Winter Wonderland
 fooLPRoof contemporary art gallery - Gallery view L Recchia food based paintings  installed in sculptural  installation format with components of Laura’s sculpture - installation created by Laura Phelps Rogers
Gallery view
social daria ad image only.jpg
Grown-up Postcard image
Grown-up Postcard back
Gallery view in Grown-up exhibition
Artificial, from FEEL at fooLPRoof contemporaryart, Laura Phelps Rogers All rights reserved.jpg
Grown Up
Gallery installation view - fooLPRoof contemporary art
Beat Clack Snap
 fooLPRoof contemporary art gallery - gallery view of Beat Clack Snap - I Sandoval, D Phemby and E Anderson works shown
artilicious flattened version of back.jpg
Artilicious - Gallery view
fooLPRoof contemporary art gallery installation view
FEEL an exhibition web sz B Fox image featured.jpg
Sculpture BLOW from the exhibition FEEL
fooLPRoof contemporary art gallery view - Blue Skies
Blue Skies Forever
blue skies postcard back 300 dpi w layers 5x7.jpg
back of Underwater postcard with layers foolproof contemporary art 7 x 5.jpg
Underwater Exhibition fooLPRoof contemporary art 2020 installation view.jpg
A front gallery area solo exhibition for well known Colorado Artist L Recchia
2022 Daria Nov ad, fooLPRoof contemporary art 100 dpi.jpg
The Other Side of Normal - image: I Sandoval
Web version PR for Binary, featured artist D.  Mandala Branding Project, Carmarthen School of Art, Wales, 2015 d_lobdell image by d-lobdell, all rights reserved.jpg
Binary -
sm Deep Space postcard face 2a 4  6 300 dpi - Copy.jpg
Deep Space - January 2022
Textured postcard with layers size up from 5 x 7-150 dpi.jpg
Back of Textured postcard flattened 5 x 7 150 dpi Jan 24.jpg
Eventbrite banner with layers The Natural World, fooLPRoof contemporary art May 2022 m chimp banner-Recovered.jpg
May 2022, fooLPRoof contemporary art postcard back.jpg
GROUND exhibition postcard front, fooLPRoof contemporary art gallery RiNo Denver 2023 all rights reserved image by Laura Phelps Rogers - Copy.jpg
The Natural World and Other Wonders, fooLPRoof contemporary art, Martha Russo installation view, med sz, all right reserved.jpg
1a GROUND postcard back 3 21 fooLPRoof contemporary art 150 dpi.jpg
vista 300 dpi The Everyday Postcard front combined view fooLPRoof contemporary art, 2022.jpg
fooLPRoof contemporary art Gallery view - The Art In The Everyday Community Quilt Project, Laura Phelps Rogers.jpg
fooLPRoof contemporary art 4 x 6 300 dpi updated back-Menagerie 1 6 version.jpg
Gallery view, Menagerie, fooLPRoof contemporary art gallery RiNo artists in image K Stock, T Jones, S Lane, L Lowry, G Arkin.jpg
fooLPRoof contemporaryart gallery Menagerie exhbition, installation view artist front Laura Phelps Rogers Temptation rear 2d works rear S Lane L Lowry 2022 - sm.jpg
Gallery Opening gallery view image
Birds botanicals and man 300 dpi postcard size cmyk 300.jpg
Gallery view from Coldplay showing  a snippet of installation view
art sign with blue sky, Laura Phelps Rogers, all rights reserved.jpg
Opening Exhibition at fooLPRoof contemporary art
IMG_6774 - Copy.JPG
Gallery installation view from the Maiden Voyage exhibition
Vitrine - an outdoor pop-up exhibition
2nd half page biad Sculpture Magazine foolproof and art in the everyday laura phelps rogers.jpg
Wash Rinse Repeat and The Colors We Love installed at fooLPRoof-2.jpg
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